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Episode 4: 3 in 30: How To Handle LinkedIn in 2025 with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

Posts Tagged:
Power Moves


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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting
    10 Ways to Find or Create Joy at Work

    Is a joy-filled job an oxymoron? We don't think so. Here's how to infuse joy into your career.

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    Goal-Setting, Workplace Toxicity
    Why I Ditched the Idea of "The Dream Job"

    Why is it so hard to ditch the idea of a "dream job?" Learn how I tackle the dream job conundrum in my new book, Power Moves.

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    Negotiation, Salary + Compensation
    How to Ask for a Raise During Tough Times (Like a Recession)

    Most of your advice on asking for a raise, including our own, will instruct you to wait for a healthy time in your organization. Here's how to ask for a raise when tough times seem never-ending.

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    Career Development, Career Transitions, Goal-Setting
    10 Power Moves to Help You Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose

    No matter your age or employment status, these ten Power Moves are designed to help you take control of your career.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Professional Development
    Thank You Messages at Work: How to Give + Receive Gratitude in the Workplace

    When is the last time you said thank you at work, expressed gratitude, or showed appreciation? Here's how to say thank you at work.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development, Working From Home, Working Parents
    The 10 Toughest Career Life Lessons I've Learned (So Far)

    Your career should be a landscape for constant learning, personal growth, and professional metamorphosis (yep, I said it!) Here are 10 important career lessons I've learned so far.

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    Career Development, Goal-Setting, Professional Development
    5 Signs It's Time to Reroute Your Career Path

    Is it time for a major upheaval in your career? Here are five signs it's time to reroute your career—to do what serves you best.

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    Routines + Productivity
    The Best Audiobooks to Motivate + Inspire More Reading

    A great way to "read" more books? Listen to more books. Take your books on the road, for a walk, or even for a brisk run. Here are a few of our favorite audiobooks.

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    Freelance + Entrepreneurship, Managing Your Money, Negotiation, Salary + Compensation
    Money Power Moves–How to Ditch Your Fear of Money

    The first step to taking control of your finances is to take a fearless look at them. Our Power Move this month is ditching our long-held fear of money, for good.

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    Career Development, Goal-Setting, Personal Assessment
    What's Career Awareness—And Why You Need It

    Career awareness is something I talk about—a lot—in my book, Power Moves. Here's why it's essential to your career.